Friday, November 8, 2019
A Study of Power Projects in Ravi Basin in Chamba District Essay Example
A Study of Power Projects in Ravi Basin in Chamba District Essay Example A Study of Power Projects in Ravi Basin in Chamba District Essay A Study of Power Projects in Ravi Basin in Chamba District Essay Dams have had serious impacts on the lives, livelihoods, culture and spiritual existence of indigenous, tribal and illiterate people, and on the physical environmental conditions and biodiversity. As far as the dam related developmental activities in Himalaya Himalayas are concerned, they got momentum during 5th five year plan and at present there are more than 400 power projects in five perennial river basins spread over 55,673 sq. Km geographical area. Every basin is being excessively exploited which has a considerable impact on environment and threatening the lives and livelihood of the mountain inhabitants. The present paper is based on the primary research carried out in Rave basin of the state. There are ore than 80 power projects of different magnitudes in 40 rivulets that have been earmarked for the planned development and received detrimental impact on the available traditional knowledge because of multiple reasons. In the present paper the responsibility of hydroelectric power projects for threatening the existing traditional knowledge which are serving social, cultural, spiritual, and economic aspects of communities since ages but with the installation of developmental projects these are being threaten, will be analyzed which is based on original micro lied research carried out in the lower Himalayan Region by using exploratory, descriptive and participatory method of research. To analyses the impacts on 03 commissioned power projects, 500 respondents from 55 villages divided in seven research cluster, selected by cluster convince simple random sampling methods have been used. Received data codified, interpreted by applying suitable statistical tools. KEYWORDS: hydroelectric power projects; traditional knowledge; environment, ecosystem services, impact on livelihood. Http://www. Tar]. In 65 INTRODUCTION environmental conditions and biodiversity. Throughout human history natural resources have been exploited to sustain growing human populations. Over the last few decades, rising economic growth rates in most developing countries have contributed to increasing levels of exploitation of natural resources and environment degradation, which unchecked could have detrimental effects on future growth patterns. The increase in the world energy demand forced to increase generation of energy from various sources. By 2100 global mean-temperatures are forecasted to be raised by 1. 4 to 5. Degree centigrade with an accompanying increase in global mean- precipitation levels [2]. The increase demand of energy can be met by increasing hydrophone generation [2]. Global hydrophone production currently supplying around 19 % of global demand, and is anticipated to be increased three-fold in next century [1]. However, studies indicate that declining river flows, as a result of climate changes will lead to declining hydrophone production. Against a backdrop of rising global surface temperature, Indian monsoon remained unstable in the past century. Using daily rain fall data, Swami et. (2006) observed significant rise in the frequency and magnitude of extreme rain and decrease in the frequency of moderate rain in central India. Swahili (2007), using a multinational global model, simulates energy supply and demand, price trajectory and growth. It is shown that higher energy prices generated by rapid growth in China and India may constrain other countries growth. Hydrological data defined on an annual time scale are generally characterized stationary unless there are l arge-scale climate variability, natural disruptions and human-induced changes such as reservoir construction Salsas, 1993). At present, in the developing state of countrys economy, requirement of electrical power for both industrial and agricultural use has been increased over the year. The Report of the Group on Power for 10th plan estimated the need based capacity addition of 62,213 MAW during 1 lath plan. Thus, it is necessary to commission projects to generate power to bridge the ever-increasing gap in demand and supply scenario. Up to March, 2010, out of total estimated potential capacity of power generation in India (1, 50,000 MAW) only 15 per cent has been commissioned and 7 per .NET is on the way of its commissioning. On the one hand, it is necessary to expedite massive plan known as Mission-2012, Power for All, under which 50,000 MAW hydroelectric powers is to be added in the existing power generation capacity but on the other hand, with this 22% exploitation of power ill-effects have become visible. Canadian group of researchers has observed that hydro power is no more pollution free; it omits greenhouse gases along with other many socioeconomic, cultural, psychological, livelihood and climatic impacts in the areas where such types of developmental mills are planned. Traditional knowledge (TX) generally refer to the long-standing traditions and practices of certain regional, indigenous, or local communities which are being used by them to sustain their TRANS Asian Research Journals lives. TX is also encompasses the wisdom, knowledge, and teachings of these communities and in many cases, it has been orally transmitted from generation to generation and sometimes from person to person in one generation. Some forms of traditional knowledge are expressed through stories, legends, folklore, rituals, songs, and even laws. Other forms of traditional knowledge are expressed through different meaner. Himalaya Pradesh is a mountainous state having about thousand perennial streams which form a diverse drainage system in the state. It has five perennial rivers of Indus water system I. E. Chance, Yamaha, Rave, Status and Baas (The fig. L shows four major rivers of Indus water system I. E.
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